I had an idea for today’s topic, but as life goes, I was thrown a curve ball that was far more compelling.
I am a people pleaser and I have a temper, both of which I have been working on for years. That means that when things are done to me, I find it very hard to call attention to them. I don’t want to be the “problem”. When things are done to people I care about, my temper would typically take over and lead to a “too emotional” response so again I don’t say anything at all.
Speaking up for yourself or others is hard. It takes a lot of courage. If this is true for you, find less stressful situations that allow you to practice. For example, I had a system issue that impacted a registration for my daughter. I was sure I did everything right but in the past, I would have just assumed I did something wrong and apologized to my daughter. I realized that’s not fair to her. She deserves to have someone fight for her and I would hope anyone that has the privilege to be in her life would fight for her.
So instead of walking away from the situation, I reached out and explained the situation and asked for support. I was kind in my message but unfortunately received a rude response. I again thought about how I would like my daughter to be treated and how she might perceive my response in this situation. So, I stood up for myself, explained that I was disheartened to be spoken to in this way when I was simply asking for support.
I’m not sure what will happen, but tonight, I will sleep well knowing I stood up for myself and my daughter, mastered my emotions and was the role model I aspire to be for my daughter.
Take a breath and lead with your highest self.