This thing isn’t working. Google ideas. Implement idea. Stop using idea. This thing still isn’t working. Ask ChatGPT. Implement another idea. Stop using that one. Two years later…
You can’t solve a problem if you don’t clearly understand the problem. Next time you identify something that isn’t working, pause.
Step away from the keyboard and reflect. Why isn’t this thing working. Ask why a couple more times. You know 5 whys? Good. Use it.
Ok, now you have an actual problem. Let’s start problem solving.
Start small. Don’t assume you know what the end goal needs to look at. Solve the first part of the problem and perfect it.
It’s getting better? Great. Make some more small improvements.
It’s not getting better? We must not have understood the problem well enough. Go ask yourself why a couple more times.
As you can see, it all comes down to slowing down and adding some awareness into your day. If it’s a problem worth solving, take the time to really assess it.
Want an example?
I’m bad at task management. Why? Because I rely on memory too much. Why? Because my to dos are scattered around all over the place. Why? Because I use different tools between work and personal. Why? Because I have different computers and phones for each.
I need to get all of my tasks into one place. I need a solution that can be with me everywhere. Out of all of my devices, I always have my personal phone.
Use the native Notes app (if you’re an iPhone user) and start tracking every to do as it comes in or comes to your mind.
Ok, this is working. It’s kind of a cluttered mess though and I have to jump over personal stuff to find my work stuff, it would be nice to break them up. Ok, let’s make one note for work todos and another for personal.
Rinse and repeat…
What you’re going to find is that you end up solving your problems better and faster.
Take a breath, you got this.