I love pen and paper. The idea of buying new office supplies makes me so happy. As much as I love and embrace technology, it’ll never replace that love.
I’ve played around with so many different methods over the years to tackle task management and even journaling. It would work for a bit and then it would trail off, but this time it’s sticking.
I took away all of the frill. I’m not trying to do things a certain way, not trying to make it look good, nothing like that. I’m journaling purely to get my thoughts on paper to try to make better sense of them. If something comes to mind, i write it down.
I can really see the difference. I’m doing a better job of working through things in general but I’m also noticing new things that I don’t think I would without journaling. I’m also becoming a lot more honest with myself and accepting of my feelings instead of dismissing them. For example, if anything negative happens while I’m PMS-ing, I blame it on the hormones but never the situation. This week was rough but I didn’t dismiss it as just hormonal fluctuations. It was a sucky week, I got through it, and now I’m moving on.
Give it a try. Don’t put any pressure on it, even times of day. If you feel thoughts springing up, start writing. Working through a tough problem? Journal. Feeling down or upset? Journal. Feeling happy? Journal.
Take a deep breath, you got this.